Fulfilling Our Mission Amid COVID-19

JFK Volunteer Howie Gould

BDL Recognized as a Top Ten U.S. Airport

DCA Volunteers to Serve at New Army Museum
Two Travelers Aid volunteers at Reagan Washington National Airport are among the newest fully trained volunteers for the National Museum of the United States Army (NMUSA). DCA volunteer Dick White (left), with Travelers Aid for the past eight years, and Ted Edwards, a seven-year TAI volunteer, will be on hand when the facility opens on Nov. 11, 2020. The museum, located at Fort Belvoir in Virginia, just outside Washington, D.C., was originally scheduled to open in June but the opening was delayed due to the pandemic.
Volunteer Spotlight – Richard Incorvati

Hawaii Reopens for Tourists, But . . .

Upward Transitions One Recipient of Grant to Help Human Trafficking Victims

Staff Spotlight – Dr. Willie Ringold

Five Things We Love About Washington Dulles International Airport


We Need Your News!
We are always on the lookout for interesting news about your organization! E-mail ellen@travelersaid.org with any and all items you would like to be considered for the monthly TAI newsletter.